[開催延期決定]The 7th Sekisemimaru Geinou Festival

第七回関蝉丸芸能祭]Tatsuya Hayashi Will Perform at the Stage of Kagura in Otsu

Guitar Performance at Sekisemimaru Shrine, Shiga.

The 7th Sekisemimaru Geinou Festival is prepared everything to prevent infection disease and held on the day.

The live performance by Tatsuya Hayashi is distributed online from this Geinou Festival.

<The 7th Sekisemimaru Geinou Festival>

Guitar Player and Composer:Tatsuya Hayashi, La Casa de Jirafa for Music and Photograph

Date of Performance:2021.11.7.sun

Posting Web Site:The Official Home Page of Sekisemimaru Shrine

Address of the Distribution:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k99HwNQxknA(YouTube)

Date of Distribution(Live):2021.11.7.sun from 10:00 - 

Location:Stage of Kagura at Sekisemimaru Shrine

HP(Sekisemimaru Shrine):http://semimaru.ehoh.net/

Facebook(Sekisemimaru Shrine):https://www.facebook.com/semimarujinjya/?ref=page_internal

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