Hachioji Art Gallery Walk 2021
[第24回八王子画廊散歩]Tatsuya Hayashi Will Participate in the Art Event as a Photographer
※ポスターの掲載については 八王子画廊散歩実行委員会 様より許可を頂いております。
Title of the Picture Works:Undicided
Photographer:Tatsuya Hayashi, La Casa de Jirafa for Music and Photograph
Date:2021.3.11.thu - 2021.3.16.tue 11:00 - 17:00(The Opening Day from 12:00, the Last Day until 16:00)
Location:Gallery Neduminokoto, Hachioji
HP(Hachioji Cultural Federarion):https://www.8bunren.com/post/